Online Talks and Presentations
- Free Banking
- Private money
- Central bank digital currencies
- Central Banking and Financial Regulation
- Bank Capital Adequacy and its Regulation
- Central bank stress tests
- Monetary Economics
- The War on Cash
- Cryptocurrencies
- Macroeconomics
- Brexit
- Financial Risk Management
- Pensions and PensionMetrics
- Mortality and Longevity Risk
- Equity Release
- Option pricing
- Covid 19 and Lockdown
- Miscellaneous Articles
- Book: “The Experience of Free Banking,” Second Edition (2023)
- Book: “New Private Monies – a Bit-Part Player?” (2014)
- Book: “Alchemists of Loss” (2010)
- Book: “Measuring Market Risk” (2005)
- Book: “Competition and Finance” (1996)
- Book: “Private Money: the Path to Monetary Stability” (1988)
- Blog Postings, Letters to Newspapers etc.
- Online Talks and Presentations
- Media Interviews
Online Talks and Presentations
“Against Central Bank Digital Currencies.” Talk to the International Institute of Monetary Research, November 2023.
Out of the Blank 1417 – Kevin Dowd talks to Robbie Robertson about Covid 19 and Lockdown, 25th May, 2023.
My talk to the Durham University Union Society against the motion “This House should ban cryptocurrencies” on 29 April 2022.
“Central Bank Activism: Good Intentions, Bad Policy.” Talk to the Cato Institute’s 39th Annual Monetary Conference “Populism and the Fed” on 18 November 2021.
“The Political Economy of Central Bank Digital Currencies: Towards a Technofascist Dystopia.” Presentation to the Institute of International Monetary Research seminar on Central Bank Digital Currencies, University of Buckingham, 21 July 2021.
“Can UK Banks Pass the Covid Stress Test?” (Discussion with Dean Buckner, The Eumaeus Project) IEAlondon, 7 August 2020.
“The Future of Cash.” (Discussion with Sam Dumitriu from The Enterpreneurs’ Network) IEAlondon, 20 June 2020.
“An Actuary and an Economist Have a Conversation.” MJ the Fellow Actuary, 17 January 2020.
My Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture on the subject of “The Failure of Monetary Stimulus” to the Austrian Economics Research Conference at the Mises Institute in Auburn Alabama on 24 March 2018. The talk is available on the web (here for short version or here for longer version).
“From Excess Stimulus to Monetary Mayhem.” Presentation to the 34th Cato Annual Monetary Conference, Washington DC, November 17th 2016.
“Learning the Right Lessons from the Financial Crisis.” Presentation to the 33rd Cato Annual Monetary Conference, Washington DC, November 12th 2015.
“Math Gone Mad: Systemic Dangers of the Federal Reserve’s Stress Tests.” Washington, DC, June 4th, 2015.
“Bitcoin will bite the dust.” Presentation to the 32nd Cato Annual Monetary Conference, Washington DC, November 6th 2014. Short you tube version here.
“Bitcoin: the Flipside of Money.” IEA TV July 10, 2014.
“Fed Doubles Down on Crisis.” Cato Podcast, November 20, 2013.
“The Fed vs the Market.” Talk to the Cato Annual Monetary Conference, November 14 2013.
“Kevin Dowd on Our Next Financial Crisis. ” February 6, 2012.
“The Road Back to Gold.” Cato Podcast, November 29, 2011.
“Capital Standards and Financial Crisis.” Cato Podcast, November 27, 2011.
“Capital Inadequacies: the Dismal Failure of the Basel System of Bank Capital Adequacy Regulation.” Cato Institute Capitol Hill Briefing, Senate Building, Thurdsday November 17, 2011.
“The Solution” [to the Financial Crisis]: Talk by Kevin Dowd and Gordon Kerr to the Occupy St. Paul’s movement, November 2011.
“The Decapitalisation of the West.” Lecture to the Adam Smith Institute, London, September 12, 2011.
“Loose Money and the Decapitalization of the United States, Or, Ben’s Bubbles and the Destruction of American Capital.” (K. Dowd and M. Hutchinson) Talk to the 28th Cato Institute Annual Monetary Conference Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, Washington DC, November 2010.
“The Current Financial Crisis … and After.” Presentation to the Paris Freedom Fest, Paris, September 2009. The text of this talk is available at Mises Institute here.
“Lessons from the Financial Crisis: A Libertarian Perspective.” Second Chris R. Tame Memorial Lecture, National Liberal Club, London. March 17 2009.
“Moral Hazard and the Financial Crisis.” Talk to the 26th Cato Institute Annual Monetary Conference Lessons from the Subprime Crisis, Washington DC, November 2008.