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The War on Cash

The War on Cash

The Myths Peddled about Cash from Those who Profit from its Decline.” (K. Dowd) Daily Telegraph (15 August 2023).

The ‘War on Cash’ Will Have Disastrous Consequences.” (K. Dowd) Daily Telegraph (14 August 2021).

The War on Cash is No Use in the War on Crime.” (K. Dowd) Investment Foresight: Online Business Magazine, 10 December 2019.

We Mustn’t Lose the War on Cash.” (K. Dowd) Institute of Economic Affairs blog, 14 November 2019.

The War on Cash is about Much More than Cash.” (K. Dowd) Economic Affairs (2019); 39: 391-399.

The War on Cash: Haldane Edition,” (K. Dowd) Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues, April 18th 2017. Republished as “The War on Cash is Even Worse Than It Seems.” Mises Institute blog, April 27th 2018. 

Killing the Cash Cow: Why Andy Haldane is Wrong on Demonetisation, (K. Dowd) Adam Smith Institute Briefing Paper, April 2017. 

“Cashing in on the Other Side of the Coin.” (K. Dowd) Financial World August/September 2016, pp. 21-22.